Wednesday, March 23, 2011


             So I decided to finally start my craft bog and failed
to do the most impartant thing....                   

FINISH my craft room!


 After a good day of work
I always have a little inspiration to
help get my home projects complete.
 May I introduce to you....

Before I can actually post any crafts I may be working on I have to have an area to work on them. Sometimes the living room just doesn't cut it. So today I will be trying my hardest to actually complete the major organization of my "Woman Room"


Everything from my ribbon to my rulers need to be put in a place, and I will find a place. No shelves will be hung today tho. :( I've misplaced my drywall anchors and haven't had the chance to pick up some more.

Well good luck to all thse fellow crafters out there on thier journey to an organized craft room



  1. good luck on your room. one day i will have a room. for now i have a table with shelves on it in the kitchen and i do my work at my kitchen table. dream! :)

  2. thank you... yes a room is nice, but only up until me and my husband decide to have children then poof it will go. a kitchen table is nice... much bigger than the coffee table ive been working with.
