Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Finally home from The Salvation Army with some awesome deals and wonderful finds. Boy where they packed. Everyone is loving their 1/2 off all clothes on Wednesdays.

I found some great shirts to cut up and revamp. I also came across some cool shelves. A pair of 2 for only $3 (Love it!!!!).

Also while I was wondering their isles I came across two plastic containers that just happen to catch my eye. So I picked them up to explore the inside.

This is what I found.....

3 packs of scrapbook paper and 1 huge pack

About 10 small paper packs

About 30 loose sheets of scrap book paper

All that for only $16.... I couldn't believe it. 1 pack of paper usually runs around $10-$15.

So now I need to make more storage for my scrapbook paper. But I will save that for a later day.


  1. Great to have another craft addict in the famuly. Guess you've never seen my craft room. Renee and Royce Ann built it for me, its great.
    I haven't done much in the last 2 years because of not being really well but I am feeling better now.
    I am starting on knitting some hats for the newborns at the hospital. They are fast to knit because of being so tiny. I am also going to knit hats for cancer patients.
    Enjoy your crafting...Its part of what has kept me sane for a long time...LOL..
    You did a great job on your wedding stuff too.
    I gave most of my scrapbooking stuff to my grandaughter she got interested in it after she had her first baby.
    Sorry about making such a long post. Just glad you're into crafting. I have a few blogs but never kept any of them up.Hwew'a onw of my blogs that I never kept up. Its not about crafts but it was one of the things i used to
    Oh well, goodnight.

  2. That's nice of u. I'm sure the parents of the babys and the cancer patients really appreciate your hard work and generosity.
    Yes crafting is calming and relaxing, A wonderful escape from lifes obstacles.

    Ill check out your blog. I hope to not forget or get too busy for this blog. It should be quite easy since I'm always on the hunt for something new to try. Or at least I hope it is. You have a wonder night.
