Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Finally home from The Salvation Army with some awesome deals and wonderful finds. Boy where they packed. Everyone is loving their 1/2 off all clothes on Wednesdays.

I found some great shirts to cut up and revamp. I also came across some cool shelves. A pair of 2 for only $3 (Love it!!!!).

Also while I was wondering their isles I came across two plastic containers that just happen to catch my eye. So I picked them up to explore the inside.

This is what I found.....

3 packs of scrapbook paper and 1 huge pack

About 10 small paper packs

About 30 loose sheets of scrap book paper

All that for only $16.... I couldn't believe it. 1 pack of paper usually runs around $10-$15.

So now I need to make more storage for my scrapbook paper. But I will save that for a later day.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

T-Shirt Recon

I know its not Wednesday yet.....

But I had a shirt from my last visit laying around just waiting for me to chop it up....


I chopped it up..

-*- Before -*-

-*- After -*-


I will still be out tomorrow morning on a hunt for some shirts that will make the CUT!!!


So my inspiration lately has been found on You Tube.

I have been watching some T-shirt Reconstruction videos by Itsblitzzz and Adam Saaks.

So I've decided that tomorrow I'm going to be heading out to The Salvation Army for their 1/2 off all clothes on Wednesday sale. Since I've only tried a few tricks on a couple of shirts and have had  a couple look not so cute. I will be picking up some to attempt to RECONSTRUCT!!!! I have already made a trip out there but missed their super Wednesday deal. But I did learn what type of shirts to not purchase.

Anyways, I will be definitely posting before and afters.

I've already upgraded my scissors to some fabric scissors so that it will be much easier. ( I recommend some good shears, my paper cutting ones where the cause of  a few of my disasters.)

Attempts so far = about 11
Failures so far = about 3 

Which means I have about 8 shirts that are wearable before this next trip...2 of which I have worn and been complimented on.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


             So I decided to finally start my craft bog and failed
to do the most impartant thing....                   

FINISH my craft room!


 After a good day of work
I always have a little inspiration to
help get my home projects complete.
 May I introduce to you....

Before I can actually post any crafts I may be working on I have to have an area to work on them. Sometimes the living room just doesn't cut it. So today I will be trying my hardest to actually complete the major organization of my "Woman Room"


Everything from my ribbon to my rulers need to be put in a place, and I will find a place. No shelves will be hung today tho. :( I've misplaced my drywall anchors and haven't had the chance to pick up some more.

Well good luck to all thse fellow crafters out there on thier journey to an organized craft room


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Let the Creative Journey Begin....

So I've decided to finally make a blog of the things I enjoy doing. Crafts...Crafts...Crafts. My goal is to post often as is I plan to craft often. I haven't quite decided what all I will include in the blogs and if my blogs will only be about my crafts. I do plan to search the web for new ideas to try and will try to remember to link back to the sites I got the idea from. But of course not all ideas will be able to be linked to. And as a beginning blogger I may forget to do so at times but please forgive me. One of the things I love about crafting is that ideas and inspiration can come from anywhere or anything.  All things have a purpose and can be redone in a new way. I especially love refurbished or recycled crafts. I would rather purchase all the material to make something than to buy it premade. Well wish me luck as I enter the world of blogging